Roses, Pumpkins and the End of Phase 1 of Our Project
Payson Pumpkin People update: Plants are ready
Native Leaf Cutter Bees in Arizona
This Means War!!!!!!!
Native Leaf Cutter Bees in Phoenix and An Email Conversation with Dave Hunter of Crown Bees
Completing the Site3 Visit; Bees in a Woodpile, Hummingbirds, and Free Range Cattle
Catching a Bug With ACME Products
Return of the Payson Pumpkin People
First Inspection of Site3 in Payson/Flowing Springs - Ditches and Witches
Best Book Ever on Mason Bees from Dave Hunter of Crown Bees
First Inspection of Site2 in Cornville
Sun Versus Shade In Phoenix
New Shaded Site
More Success!!!! Four Tubes Filled
Beeextinction - The End of The Road to Flowing Springs
The Road to Flowing Springs
Beemagedon: The End of the Road to Cornville
The Road to Cornville
Success!!! - Three Tubes Filled!!!
Epic Road Trip; Four More Sites, Beemagedon, Beextinction