As some preliminary research for our project, I (Jim) bought "Mason Bee Revolution: How the Hardest Working Bee Can Save the World - One Backyard at a Time" from Amazon.
I'll just quote my review from Amazon: "Dave Hunter and Jill Lightner's book is the best introduction to Mason Bees out there. The price is worth it just for the spectacular color pictures at the front of the book. The information on all aspects of the mason bee life in interesting and invaluable. In addition, Dave puts the mason bee in the larger context of the entire environment we live in. If you are interested in the specifics of working with mason bees, this is your book. If you are interested in environmental issues, saving our environment, this is also your book. I should have given it six stars or more."
Dave is the founder of Crown Bees located in Seattle. We recently bought a bee attractant InvitaBee, from Crown Bees. Dr. Steve Peterson makes the point in this podcast that solitary bees prefer previously used habitats. A lot of our habitats are new, so we plan to use the InvitaBee to see if this makes the habitats more attractive during the first year.
We also did a quick video review of Dave and Jill's book and opened the InvitaBee.