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BOB Propagation in an Enclosed Space - Checking on the Bees - The Fourth Day

Jim Sarina

Previously we set up the greenhouse (Site1a2g) as an enclosed space with supplemental/augmenting resources (pollen, sugar water, "mud"). Then we released the bees, actually placed the cocoons, on Wednesday morning, the 19th of February. On Thursday, we did our first check of the bees progress. On Friday the 21st we checked the status of the bees, cocoon, and our enclosed space. On Saturday the 22nd, it rained all day. There was little or no bee activity.

During the rain and wind storm last night, one side panel of the greenhouse was blown out. Fortunately, Michelle noticed it and replaced it at about 11 pm on Saturday night:

We saw only one new bee emergence this day.

We did see possible evidence of nesting in the form of new, 'wet' mud; second row, left:

Site1a2g Possible Evidence of Nesting

We did successfully reset the Wansview camera after it went offline.



©2020 by Blue Orchard Bees in Arizona Project


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