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More Leaf Cutter Cocoons Checks and the Payson Pumpkin People Are Planting!

Jim Sarina

We did one more check of the leaf cutter cocoons at the Gilbert Site1a2h. Like we said before, we are concerned that the cocoons are not viable due to over refrigeration and/or high daytime temperatures.

In the meantime the Payson Pumpkin People are back at the Master Garden in Payson and have planted their three pumpkin plants that were previously started in containers.

Here is Steve's report:

And we are off, two weeks ahead of last year  (last year’s last snow was May 20th, and we didn’t get into the ground until about June 3rd). 
Three plants in the ground at the Flowing Springs patch on May 16th, and all is looking good.  Here are photos of the crew hard at work.  Reports of rabbit populations this year, so we repaired and added chicken wire surrounding the patch, and added rabbit repellent around each plant.  

Working on the Garden

Rabbit Repellant?

Rabbit Repellant - YES

Planting the Pumpkins

Planting the Pumpkins

[More animal intruders: free range cattle are all over Flowing Springs. Fortunately, Joanne's Master Garden is fenced against deer, elk, coyotes, bobcats and cattle.]

Free Range Cattle in Flowing Springs

Ralfe did a great job planting the seeds two weeks ago, and getting them ready for the out-of-doors.  He reports his secret as using hot water on them during this early period. 

Payson Pumpkin People at the Master Garden in Flowing Springs

We have them under laundry baskets at the moment for shake, and will add full shake structures in the next week or so. 

The Arizona record to beat this year is close to 700 pounds, and we’ll try! 
Follow us on FaceBook where all of our updates are located at one place: 
 Payson Pumpkin People 

On our trip to Flowing Springs on the 14th of May, we arrived late in the evening to a herd of well-wisher cows.

Cows Greeting Us as We Arrive Late to Flowing Springs

Cows Greeting Us as We Arrive Late to Flowing Springs

And we tried to show them away:

But we're not afraid of cows:



©2020 by Blue Orchard Bees in Arizona Project


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