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Payson Pumpkin People - Update

Jim Sarina

10/6/2019 12:44 PM

To paysonpumpkinpeople

So while the giant pumpkins didn’t work this year in the Payson area, the field pumpkins are doing just fine. The largest is 80 lbs, as of yesterday.

This is Jenny’s ‘plant & ignore’ approach, that works quite well!

Payson Pumpkin People-Field Pumpkins

Payson Pumpkin People-Field Pumpkins

Payson Pumpkin People-Field Pumpkins

Payson Pumpkin People-Field Pumpkins

10/14/2019 1:19 PM

Three giant pumpkins came out of the Payson area this year, here’s a photo of the largest at 208 pounds. They are on display at Plant Fair Nursery in Star Valley, AZ.

One thing in common with all three: All were under heavy shade, both from the surrounding pine forest, and ,most with the added cover of shade cloth.

That allowed for the production of female flowers and that lead to the fruit. Or in the case where fruit was generated, the heavy shade allowed it to grow in the abnormally hot and long-lasting summer temps.

More, later.

Payson Pumpkin People-Three Giant Pumpkins

10/20/2019 10:41 AM

The Arizona Giant Pumpkin Grower’s weigh-off yesterday in Cave Creek generated this surprise: The total failure of Arizona giant pumpkin crop this year. None were entered, and apparently, none were successfully grown in the state this summer. Weirdly, that made us feel better about the failure of our fruits here in Payson. Three out-of-state pumpkins were entered and were weighed in at 881, 727 and 305 pounds. Two came from California, one from Utah.

Payson Pumpkin People Susie’s 209 pound pumpkin that was grown here this summer, may have been the only giant pumpkin fruit grown in the state this year!

Payson Pumpkin People-Arizona Giant Pumpkin Grower’s Weigh-Off in Cave Creek

Payson Pumpkin People-Arizona Giant Pumpkin Grower’s Weigh-Off in Cave Creek

Payson Pumpkin People-Arizona Giant Pumpkin Grower’s Weigh-Off in Cave Creek

Payson Pumpkin People-Arizona Giant Pumpkin Grower’s Weigh-Off in Cave Creek

Payson Pumpkin People-Arizona Giant Pumpkin Grower’s Weigh-Off in Cave Creek

Payson Pumpkin People-Arizona Giant Pumpkin Grower’s Weigh-Off in Cave Creek

Payson Pumpkin People-Arizona Giant Pumpkin Grower’s Weigh-Off in Cave Creek

10/27/2019 1:28 PM

What happened to those pumpkins entered into the state competition last week? They are on display at Cave Creek, AZ.

Payson Pumpkin People-Arizona Giant Pumpkin Grower’s Weigh-Off in Cave Creek


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