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Jim Sarina

Payson Pumpkin People Update

The Payson Pumpkin People (PPP) are ready for another try at growing the largest pumpkin in Arizona. For the last two years the PPP have been working in the Master Garden in Flowing Springs (Site3a) where we have been doing our solitary bee research. We continue to follow their progress and wish them luck in their endeavors.

Here is Steve's report:

So we stopped by our favorite coffee house this morning (its open on the outside patio) to chat with the PPP (Payson Pumpkin People) team, and to see how this year’s seedlings are doing in Ralfe’s greenhouse. 
Doing fine he reports, and brought one of the guys down for an inspection. 

One of Three Pumkin Plants Ready for Transplanting to the Flowing Springs Master Garden

So the plan is to plant three of these guys into the patch this coming weekend. 
They are ready, all have the 3rd leaf showing, and all are healthy, wealthy, and wise (well, maybe not). 
The patch was tilled deep last weekend, and we’ll pull a pH reading this afternoon. 
We’ll put down black plastic to warm the soil to over 70F, and we’ll put up the shade structure pretty quickly.   High’s this week in the lower 70s, into the 80s next week.  Perfect! 
Third time (season)’s the charm, right? 
Of course we remember last year when the last snow was on May 20th, and the first 90F day was about June1st.  And it took two or three tries to get the seeds into sprouts last year.   It was not a good sign, and it turned out to be a horrid season. 
Not this year  --  all is looking quite good, with hopefully the last cool nights (in the 40s) are right now. 

Follow us on FaceBook where all of our updates are located at one place:

Payson Pumpkin People

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