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Retrieving the Habitats from Site4 in Flagstaff

Jim Sarina

Our plan is to put blue orchard bees (BOBs) in four geographically diverse locations in Arizona to study their propagation. We placed 60 BOB cocoons and one 8 by 6 habitat at our Site4 in Flagstaff.

Site4 Layout in Flagstaff

The habitat was placed on a tree in the corner (see above, top, right) along with the PVC tube containing the approximately 60 BOB cocoons. This video shows the general characteristics of the site when we went to retrieve the PVC tube and habitat.

In this earlier photo (about 10 May 2019), the tree also hosts an existing habitat with tubes of various sizes to accommodate different species of native bees.

Habitat in Flagstaff

Habitat in Flagstaff

After retrieving the habitat and PVC tube, we attempted to harvest the results.

As you see, there was too much activity within the habitat so we decided to refrigerate the habitat so as to slow down any live animals, especially those that might pose a danger. Next we will continue and complete our investigation of the Site4 habitat.



©2020 by Blue Orchard Bees in Arizona Project


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