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Retrieving the Leaf Cutter Bee Cocoons From Site3/Flowing Springs in Payson, AZ

Jim Sarina

Previously we had started an adjunct experiment to add leaf cutter bees to our project since they are native to Arizona. We placed the leaf cutter bee cocoons and habitats at Site1a in Gilbert, AZ and at Site3 in Flowing Springs, north of Payson, AZ. We reported on the progress, or actually lack thereof, here, here, here, here, and here (with dissection).

On October 25th, 2019 we examined and retrieved the leaf cutter bee cocoons and habitats from both Site3 locations. We had observed no bees emerging from the cocoons and subsequently no activity at the habitats.

When we placed the leaf cutter cocoons and habitats at Site1a2f and Site3a, b; we did not place a temperature and humidity data logger by oversight. We had employed the humidity and temperature data loggers to monitor conditions at the bee habitats to determine if we could detect any anomalous conditions.

Subsequently we placed one data logger at Site1a2f, one at Site3a8 and two (for correlation purposes) at Site3a5. Here is complete history of the data logger use.

History of Data Loggers

Unfortunately, two of the four data loggers (Site3a8, one of Site3b5) did not record at all. The other two started recording well after being placed. This was operator error. In the original post, we commented: " I give the DS-102 four stars out of five (****), downgraded one star for quirky software.". Part of quirkiness, is not necessarily starting by just being "placed". The lesson learned for the future is to place the loggers before the bees/cocoons/habitats and ensure that they are functioning.

The partial readout of the temperature and humidity data for Site1a2F is:

Site1a2f Temperature, Started at 25 Oct Instead of 8 Sep

Site1a2f Humidity, Started at 25 Oct Instead of 8 Sep

And for the Payson/Flowing Springs Site3a5:

Site3b5 Temperature, Started at 4 Oct Instead of 10 Sep

Site3b5 Humidity, Started at 4 Oct Instead of 10 Sep

Next we will retrieve the Site4 cocoons and habitats from Flagstaff, AZ and begin to write our Final Report.



©2020 by Blue Orchard Bees in Arizona Project


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