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Site3 Habitat Collection and the Latest PaysonPumpkinPeople Update

Jim Sarina

We collected the habitats from both Site3 locations. There was little or no evidence of Blue Orchard Bee activity. We did see one tube filled by a leaf cutter bee.

Site3 Habitats Recovered, Note Leaf Cutter in Lower Left

Site3 Habitats Recovered, Note Leaf Cutter in Lower Left-Detail

We'll have an updated report when we take a look at the contents of the habitats.

We retrieved the Site3 habitats on the Fourth of July. Here is the last 12 minutes of the Payson annual fireworks show over Green Lake. More here.

And here is the latest update from the PaysonPumpkinPeople:

Payson Pumpkin People updates

6/24/2019 9:40 PM

You remember the radish seeds we spread to over-winter the patch and other gardens, to put down roots that will carry water and nutrients deep into the soil, and help break up the hard soil of last year’s patch, according to a consulting farmer from Montana. At three bucks for 25,000 seeds, there wasn’t much risk. And they sprouted and spread, and we did till them into the patch in May.

There are still a few hanging around in the old patch, and until yesterday, there were still a few at the Star Valley veggie garden.

See the attached for a photo one of the last survivors.

Radish Plant

In other news, the pumpkin plants are healthy and happy. Nice green, no sign of insects or diseases or malnutrition or sun burn.

Pumpkin Plants Doing Well

Pumpkin Plants Doing Well

They continue to put out runners ahead of the vines, at about a foot a day. The patch will be full of vines by this time next month, and I would expect to see the blossoms showing up in the next couple of weeks, which should give us maybe 110 days of good growth on the fruit this season.

All continues to be good in the Payson patch.

Follow us on FaceBook where all of our updates are located at one place:

Payson Pumpkin People

Payson Pumpkin People update -- want a pumpkin plant?

6/27/2019 12:19 PM

Plant number three will leave the garden in the next few days, as we don’t have room for her in the long term, and we are maintaining plant #1 as our season-long back-up.

She’s green, healthy, no disease or bugs, is vining out, and is about 4 feet.

Our Backup Pumpkin Plant, #1

Our Main Pumpkin Plant, #2

She came from a pumpkin weighing in at about 1800 pounds.

Can you transplant a pumpkin plant like this? Don’t know, but we are willing to try.

Give a shout if you would like #3 and we’ll arrange it. She needs a space of maybe 600 square feet or more.

Follow us on FaceBook where all of our updates are located at one place:

Payson Pumpkin People

Payson Pumpkin People update: Star Valley Community Garden

6/30/2019 1:45 PM

While the pumpkins are doing fine out at the patch in Flowing Springs (10 miles Northwest of Payson), we have a couple of flower/veggie plots going at the Star Valley Community Garden, which is just a mile away.

We practice the fine art of ‘plant & ignore’ in this garden. Jenny plants, I set the water system, we check back in a couple of weeks – maybe. This is the second year of existence for the Star Valley Community Garden, and the town and its volunteers have done a remarkable job in building out this facility. And our gardening technique here, seems to work!

Payson Pumpkin People

Payson Pumpkin People update

7/4/2019 4:52 PM

Couple of things today:

Flowers around the patch are attracting local bees – which is a very good thing! Jim, are these bees yours?

Local Bee at Site3a

And who should leave the patch? #1 or #3? Both are looking about the same, pushing 5’ to 6’ feet out, both nicely healthy. #3 is in natural shade starting at about 3 pm each day. If anybody would like one of this plants to transplant into your garden, just whistle.

#2 on the other hand, it pushing maybe 12-feet out, is showing blossoms to come out in the next week (I’d guess), and seems to be a happy little plant.

Payson Pumpkin People

Payson Pumpkin People update

7/8/2019 12:55 PM

And they just keep growing! The guy in the photo (plant #2) is out to about 15’ or so, now.

Doing Well

No blossoms out yet, but shouldn’t be long to the first pollinations. They are on the vines -- they just have to spring open.

The weekly feeding today, fertilizer, pH reducer, insecticide, micronutrients, etc.

Work session for the crew later in the week on the schedule, to reset the shade cloths and catch up on weeding.

Follow us on FaceBook where all of our updates are located at one place:

Payson Pumpkin People



©2020 by Blue Orchard Bees in Arizona Project


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