We recently reported on the results of our fourth site located in Flagstaff, AZ.
Here's a map of all four sites. Flagstaff is in the upper right of the map.
This is an extensive list of the flora, common name and scientific name, at Site4 in Flagstaff:
Fir Ave Flagstaff Arizona Flora List
Amur Maple acer ginnala
Chokecherry prunus virginiana
Crabapple malus
Flame Maple acer grinnala
Junipers juniperus
Ponderosa Pines pinus ponderosa
Flowering Plum prunus cerasifera
Quaking Aspen populous tremulolden
Red Delicious Apple malus domestica
Reliance Peach prunus persica
Rocky Mtn Maple acer glabrum
Globe Willow salix matsudana
Arizona Rose rosa woodsii
Bird’s Nest Spruce picea abies
Buffaloberry shepherdia
Butterfly Bush buddleia davidii
Creeping Mahonia mahonia repens
Wax Current ribes cereum
Dark Knight Spirea caryopteris x. clandonensis
Fern Bush chamaebatiaria millefolium
Japanese Barberry berberis thunbergii
Kinnikinnick arctostaphylos
Lilac syringe vulgaris
Littleleaf Mockorange philadelphus microphyllus
Mountain Mahogany cercocarpus
Mountain Spray holodiscus dumosus
Oregon Grape mahonia
Potentilla cinquefoil
Purpleleaf Wintercreeper euonymus
Pyrancantha rosaceae
Rabbit Bush ericameria nauseosa
Russian Sage perovskia atriplicifolia
Spirea spiraea japonica & spiraea bumalda
Three Leaf Sumac rhus trilobata
Twinberry Honeysuckle lonicera involucrate
Virginia Creeper parthenocissus inserta
Western Sand Cherry prunus besseyi
Perennial Plants
Alpine Baby Breath gypsophila cerastioides
Artemisia stelleriana
Aster* asteraceae
Astilbe simplicifolia hybrid
Autumn Sage salvia gregii
Black-eyed Susan rudbeckia speciosa
Blanket Flower* gaillardia
Bugleweed ajuga reptans
Buckwheats eriogonum
Catmint nepeta
Columbine aquilegia
Comfrey symphytum
Coneflower* echinacea
Heuchera* saxifrages-Coral Bells, Alumroot
Cranesbill geranium
Dianthus/Carnation caryophyllaceae
Evening Primrose oenothera
Globe Mallow sphaeralcea coccinea
Gloriosa Daisy rudbeckia hirta
Hyssop agastache
Joseph’s Coat alternanthera
Jupiter’s Beard centranthus ruber
Lavender lavandula
Leadwort Ceratostigma plumbaginoides
Licorice Mint agastache rupestris
Lupine lupinus
Maximilian Sunflower helianthus maximiliani
Milk Weed* asclepias
MossPhlox phlox douglasli
Mother of Thyme thymus serpyllum
Painted Daisy tenacetum
Penstemon* scrophulariaceae- (Pineleaf, Red Rocks, Rocky Mountain, Firecracker, Beard Tongue, Husker Red Strain, Mat, Palmer’s, Bridge’s, Sunset, Scarlet Bugler)
Poppy papaveraceae
Prairie Smoke geum triflorum
Pussytoes antennaria
Rock Rose helianthemum
Rock Soapwort saponaria ocymoides
Scabiosa escabiosa
Siskiyou Pink gaura lindheimeri
Speedwell veronica
Stonecrop/Sedum* crassulaceae
Sweet Woodruff gallium odoratum
Tickseed coreopsis
Verbena verbena bipinnatifida
Western Clematis clematis ligusticifolia
Yarrow * achillea
*Indicates that there are several varieties in the family